Diving is an equipment heavy sport. You need to take with you a life support system. Stuff to keep you warm. Stuff to see things. Stuff to get you moving. To manage all of this is an arduous task. Diving, like any other sport requires a lot of training, and the obtained skills must be maintained. Various studies have proven that learned skills are quickly lost if not used regularly. That's why we dive every week at least once.
The diving is done with an agency called Global Underwater Explorers - www.GUE.COM It offers rigorous training for any diver of any level. Our group of divers, we are not a club as such is now moving or has moved to dive under the model created by GUE. Training can be hard, but as some people have said "train hard - dive easy". This is certainly true as lake diving can be an unforgiving environment. Bad visibility, cold water, currents, nets and other obstacles can create dangerous moments. This is where good training kicks in. You will be an asset for your buddy, your team and as your skills give you the tools, even the environment.
Around our lake there is a GUE instructor now, and in Switzerland there are various instructors around to teach the principles of proper diving. Drop me a line for their details. In the next posts will go in deeper on the equipment used. From a simple OC setup to the GUE JJ CCR